Sunday, January 6, 2013

Today is the First Day...

When I was young my family would take Saturday drives from my home town of Susanville to Chester for lunch at a restaurant called the Copper Kettle.  On the wall was a saying that puzzled me for years, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."  It just did not make sense to me and I can remember pondering it for hours.

Well, I understand it now and it pretty much sums up how I feel these days and the need to make changes to enjoy the "rest of our lives."  If ALS does anything, it forces to you take stock and look short-term.  So, Patrick and I are working on planning out the next six months. With Patrick, planning ALWAYS involves some kind of Excel spreadsheet (you'd think since I'm the accountant it would be me, but no its him) - we have spreadsheets for all kinds of things.  

The next six month plan is full of trips, activities and absolutely reflects our "seize the day" mentality. Of course some of these activities are not as fun with the need to make home renovations, financial planning, medical appointments and meeting with the ALS Society.

ALS is a degenerative disease which means that Patrick's mobility will slowly get worse. It makes it all the more imperative that we take time now to enjoy life.  Our first trip is to Disneyland with our grandkids at the end of January.  The boys are super excited, probably a mistake to tell them so early because every time I see them, they ask if it's today. We are excited too, frankly its wonderful to lose yourself in the moment, when hanging out with the under 10 group.

So, our next six months start with visiting the Mouse in Disneyland!


  1. Cheryl, you are a good writer but I am sorry that you are having to write about ALS as your main focus. Sending love and positivity.

  2. Nothing is more important than this moment. I wish it didn't take such serious life-changers for all of us to be reminded to cherish today and all of our blessings. Thank you for sharing your journey. I am sending positive thoughts and wishes your way! Lean on your Girl Scout sisters anytime! Hugs!
