Monday, January 7, 2013

Hold that Thought...

Firstly, I have to say how touched Patrick and I have been with the warm thoughts, touching emails and offers to help.  We are reminded of the many wonderful people we have in our lives.

When I talk with folks or receve emails the question of "how can I help" often comes up.  This makes us feel much loved and reminds us that we are not alone in this journey.  At this point, Patrick is at the very beginning stages of ALS, and his physical changes are subtle.  I suspect you didn't notice anything if you've seen him recently.   So, to answer the question "how can I help?" - my first item on the help list is "hold that thought," I suspect we will need some help in the time ahead, and we'll be looking to our friends and family.

Right now your warm messages, prayers and support are so appreciated by both of us. Thanks for making us feel that we are not alone. Additionally, we are grateful to those of you that have reached out to our girls, Caitlin and Corrinne!

Hugs and kisses to you!

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