Saturday, November 12, 2016

Feeding Tube Update

Just a quick follow-up on Patrick's surgery. We spent the day yesterday at Sutter General Hospital in Sacramento for a second attempt at inserting a feeding tube. I'm pleased to report the surgery was a success. Dr. Zipser, the radiologist, had some difficulty with the location of Patrick's stomach, but after collaborating with another doctor, he was able to get it placed.

Selfie at Sutter General
Gail, a nurse practitioner from Dr. Zipser's office, taught us how to use with the feeding tube and we've used it a few times already. As for his recovery, Patrick is sore, but no problems from the surgery. With all things we are adjusting to the change; making sure not to tug on the tube, figuring out how to accommodate Patrick's best buddy, Jake, on his lap and heading over to the pharmacy to see about changing medications into liquid format.

The Sutter staff were wonderful throughout the day, a huge shout out to them! I got lost in the hospital a number of times (Sutter is not an easy hospital to find your way around in) but staff seem to recognize lost individuals and took a bit of pity on me.

Thank you for all your prayers and warm thoughts.

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